Metal Trades Tuition Reimbursement
The Service Fitters Promotional Fund provides tuition reimbursement for contractors who hire Local Union No. 638 – Metal Trades Branch labor and contribute to the promotion fund. Tuition reimbursement is meant to help local contractors further the education of their employees -improving the service fitting industry through education.

Rules and Regulations
- The student must be a full-time salaried employee of a contributing contractor or a member of Metal Trades Branch Local 638 and employed by a contributing contractor to the Service Fitters Industry Promotional Fund of New York.
- The contractor shall have made contributions equal to at least twice the requested reimbursement amount.
- Company principals are not eligible.
- The course of study shall be limited to that which is clearly related to the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning or Refrigeration field.
- Courses may be taken at any institution, trade school or through any special courses.
- The amount reimbursed will be up to $1,000 per person per year for any given course, including travel, books, and supplies.
- The total amount to be reimbursed to a contractor in a year is limited to 50% of the contributions paid to the Promotional Fund by the contractor in the prior calendar year.
- The contractor must complete the reimbursement application form and provide proof that the course was paid for and satisfactorily completed.
- The Tuition Reimbursement Committee will decide if reimbursement will be made based on the information provided.
- All applications for a calendar year must be submitted by January of the following year in order to be accepted.
- The decisions of the Tuition Reimbursement Committee are final.